7 Metrics Every Social Media Should Track

7 Metrics Every Social Media Should Track


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7 Metrics Every Social Media Should Track


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When diving into the world of social media marketing, it’s crucial to keep an eye on key metrics. Here are 7 metrics that every real estate professional should track for optimal performance on social media:

  1. Audience Growth Rate (AGR): Just as startups measure Customer Acquisition Cost, monitor how fast your social media following is growing. A healthy AGR indicates a successful content strategy.

  2. Engagement Rate: Similar to Customer Lifetime Value, measure how your audience is interacting with your content. Likes, comments, and shares give insights into audience loyalty.

  3. Click-Through Rate (CTR): Conversion Rate's social media counterpart. CTR measures the percentage of people who click on your content. This helps in assessing the effectiveness of your posts in leading to action.

  4. Content Reach: Think of this as Revenue Growth Rate, but for your content. How many people are seeing your posts? Keeping an eye on this helps in understanding the breadth of your content’s impact.

  5. Follower Retention Rate: Parallel to Customer Retention Rate, this measures how many followers stay engaged over time. A high retention rate means your content is consistently captivating.

  6. Return on Investment (ROI): Similar to tracking Operating Expenses, calculate ROI to understand the financial efficiency of your social media campaigns. Analyze profits relative to the costs involved.

  7. Social Media Conversion Rate: The cash flow of social media. How many leads or sales are generated from social media campaigns? It’s essential to understand the direct impact on your bottom line.

Make Fat Unicorn Media your ally in mastering these metrics. With Jake's strategy prowess and Elijah's video magic, let’s make your social media content viral and relevant! 🚀