How to Win Your Audience: Make it About Them, Not You

How to Win Your Audience: Make it About Them, Not You


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How to Win Your Audience: Make it About Them, Not You


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In a world where attention spans are dwindling, engaging your audience from the very first second is crucial. When creating content, especially videos, the common mistake is to start by talking about yourself. This is where most creators go wrong. Let's discuss the art of captivating your audience by making it all about them.

The Golden Opening

Imagine someone opening a video with “Hey, I can see that you're watching this because you’re probably looking to get your dream house, or sell your house for more money. That's exactly what you’re about to find out here.” This opening validates why the viewer pressed play and assures them they’re in the right place. It’s all about them and their needs. This is in stark contrast to opening with a lengthy introduction about oneself.

The Hard Truth: It's Not About You

As much as you may want to share about yourself and your accomplishments, the hard truth is that viewers are not as interested in you as you might hope. They are tuned in for their own interests and to find solutions to their own problems. The language and messaging should therefore be focused on the viewer.

How to Use Your Story

That being said, there is a place for your story within the content. The key is to use your story as a vehicle for the viewer’s journey. For example, if you are sharing your own experiences, frame it as a hero’s journey that the viewer can relate to and aspire to in their own life or business. This transforms your story into a valuable lesson for them.

Keep the Main Thing, The Main Thing

The viewer clicked on your content for a specific reason. Stay focused on delivering what they came for. Your opening sets the stage for the rest of your content. If you grab your audience's attention with an opening that resonates with their needs or interests, you have a much higher chance of keeping them engaged.

The Power of the Hook

The opening of your video is like the lead-in of an article. It’s the hook that either reels the viewer in or sends them scrolling past. This is especially true for online content where attention spans are notoriously short. Invest time in crafting an opening hook that is laser-focused on the viewer’s interests and needs.

In summary, the secret sauce for captivating your audience is making the content about them. Use a powerful hook, keep the content focused on the audience’s interests, and if you do talk about yourself, frame it in a way that is relatable and beneficial to the viewer. This approach will not only engage your audience but also build a stronger connection with them.