How to Leverage Short Form Content For Real Estate

How to Leverage Short Form Content For Real Estate


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How to Leverage Short Form Content For Real Estate


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What is Short Form Content?

Short-form video content is any type of video content that’s less than 60 seconds, though some marketers agree short-form video content can be as long as three minutes. Short-form videos are meant to be bite-sized, easily digestible pieces of content that are easy for viewers to scroll through and view several at a time.

Short-form video content is rapidly emerging as a highly effective tool in the realm of social media, and as a real estate professional, it's imperative to harness its potential for lead generation.

Here are some compelling statistics that underscore the significance of short-form video content in the real estate sector:

  • TikTok, leading the wave of short-form video content, has witnessed staggering growth, amassing 1.53 billion users within a span of seven years. This platform offers immense opportunities for real estate professionals to reach a broad audience.

  • A whopping 96% of consumers prefer short-form videos to acquaint themselves with a product or service. Real estate professionals can leverage this preference to showcase properties and offer virtual tours in a succinct format.

  • Short-form video is not just engaging but also boasts the highest ROI, making it the optimal format for lead generation and audience engagement in real estate.

  • An impressive 30% of all short-form videos are watched at least 81% of the way through, which means your property showcases are likely to be viewed in their entirety.

  • 47% of marketers concur that short-form videos have a higher propensity to go viral. This viral potential can be particularly beneficial in the real estate industry for maximizing property exposure.

  • On average, adults in the United States spend 46 minutes daily on TikTok, and this is projected to rise to 48 minutes by 2024. As a real estate professional, capitalizing on this growing engagement can significantly boost your visibility and leads.

In summary, short-form video is a captivating, engaging, and highly effective medium. If you haven't already incorporated it into your real estate marketing strategy, now is the time to seize the opportunity and start creating compelling short-form video content to enhance your lead generation efforts.